Monday, July 25, 2011

Comments From a Conference Newbie

I'll try not to come across as too evangelical - apologies in advance if so! I had such a great time and met such great people and danced hard out on Tuesday night! School Librarians Rock!! For those of us working on our own it can be difficult keeping up with developments in library land, just managing my own patch is enough by itself thankyou very much. Before the conference, the theme 'On the Wave' would have better translated as 'In the Undertow'. The sessions I attended were all about giving me a life raft, with the right emergency provisions to be confident in welcoming the future, not ignoring it. To this end, I have created my first blog, (under development) and am excited about words that meant nothing to me before i.e. diigo, delicious, flickr, vimeo. Not only that, but I feel connected to this network of fabulous professionals in a way I previously hadn't. I only wish more of us could have been there to take advantage of the truly inspirational sessions and knowledge. Please don't hesitate next time. And yes it was challenging, but moving forward can be that at times. And a special thanks to my roomy, Lisa Salter who I really enjoyed getting to know better. Thanks Lisa.


  1. Thank you Stephanie, I enjoyed getting to know you as well. I've been quite busy also trying to apply all my learning. Now scheming how to apply at school, wish me luck!

  2. It is good that you have learned a lot of things in that conference.
