SLANZA Te Tai Tokerau has organised for Stu Colson from Heroes for Sale to come up from Auckland to Whangarei to do a session about graphic novels next Saturday morning, 9th November, at 11 am at Whangarei Libraries.
A flyer about the event is attached, and here is the post about it on the SLANZA blog
Stu Colson from HEROES FOR SALE will share why comics are:
· an important gateway to students becoming interested in reading for personal pleasure
· a sophisticated story telling medium in their own right
· the single greatest story telling medium for enhancing and enriching our imaginations
We know how much students like graphic novels, with the combination of visuals and words making them so engaging and accessible, and we know that there are so many more graphic novels available now …
· What's happening in your school library with graphic novels? Where are they shelved?
· How do you choose which to buy?
· How are they promoted? Who uses them most?
· How can they be integrated into classroom reading and writing programmes?
We need to know numbers attending this workshop in order for it to go ahead, so please let Julia Smith at Kerikeri High School know ASAP if you are planning to come along
This session is relevant for librarians and teachers, primary and secondary. Talk to English teachers, art teachers, teaching colleagues, library colleagues…
We need YOU ! If we don't get the numbers, then we will need to let Stu know to save him the trip… If you are local in Whangarei then it is a couple of hours out of your weekend, a bit more if you have to travel from out of Whangarei - come to town and do some shopping too !
Kind regards, Jeannie
Jeannie Skinner | Programme Adviser, Northland | Services to Schools
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa