Monday, December 8, 2014

Latest Collected magazine now available

Hi everyone


The latest issue of Collected magazine is available now. This issue has Summer Reading as it's theme. Please follow this link to read it now:

Many thanks to those who have contributed articles and reviews for this issue, and to those who have helped with proof-reading and editing - we couldn't do it without your help.

As the number of issues continues to grow, we've made some small changes to the website to accommodate them, so you will now find older issues of Collected on a separate page.

On behalf of Greig Daniels (Collected editor) and the rest of SLANZA National Executive, we send all our readers best wishes for the holiday season, and hope you enjoy your summer break - do make sure you find time to fit in plenty of reading!


Miriam Tuohy | Librarian
Phone: +64 6 3579194 | Fax: +64 6 3579193

Palmerston North Girls' High School

Fitzherbert Ave, Palmerston North 4410

Friday, December 5, 2014

National Library Announcement

Not sure how many of you are aware of the recent announcement by National Library and the subsequent discussion on the Listserv. You are welcome to discuss this matter with me, however it is preferable to contact National Library directly through the email set up to receive responses.

This would be a good opportunity for us to get together early next year and discuss the implications and gather suggestions on how SLANZA can further support school libraries.

A letter and flier was sent out from National Library to all Principals late Wednesday afternoon. If you have not seen this correspondence, email me and I will send them through. Below are both National Library’s press release as well as the SLANZA National Executive’s response. 

This afternoon the National Library sent a letter to all school principals with an attached flier for school staff. This outlined future service directions, and changes to the current Curriculum Service in mid- 2015.
Information is also available on the Services to Schools website.  As indicated in these communications we have established an email for any queries. Please contact us at
We have also met with the National Executive of SLANZA regarding our new service directions. We will work closely with SLANZA to support school libraries through these changes.

Posted on behalf of:
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga O Aotearoa

SLANZA has met with the National Library Services to Schools.  While there will be changes in their delivery of services to schools, some of which will take some time to get used to, we’re confident that National Library will still provide resources and advice that will be useful to schools and school librarians.  The National Library are setting up an email address to use if you have any questions, and SLANZA are also looking at ways to support school library staff with the new resources we are working to develop in our Communities site.

Bridget Schaumann

SLANZA President

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ms Parata Questions the Need for Every School to have their own Library - SLANZA Responds

Here is the full interview on Radio New Zealand where Ms Parata yesterday questioned if every school needed their own library. The full interview will give you the background and context of Ms Parata's comment. 
SLANZA’s sharp response was posted on the SLANZA blog today

Monday, November 17, 2014

2015 Study Grants Awarded

On behalf of the National Executive, I am pleased to announce that the recipients of SLANZA’s Study Grants for 2015 have been decided. Our warmest congratulations go out to these successful applicants:

§ Julie James (Mountainview High School)
§ Lis Marrow (Hutt International Boys School)
§ Fran Knapman (Ngakuru School)
§ Deborah Wing (Botany Downs Secondary College)
Undertaking tertiary study is a huge undertaking, and these grants are one way that SLANZA can show our support and encouragement to those working in the field of school librarianship who choose to further their professional learning.

Congratulations once again to all our grant recipients, we wish you every success with your studies in the coming year.

Miriam Tuohy
Professional Development Team Leader

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

SLANZA Conference 2015

 Put this conference date in your diary…
Spring 2015 will bring the next national SLANZA conference to Christchurch and planning is already well underway for this three day event.

The theme of the conference is From the Ground Up – Growing Libraries for the Future.  Never before have libraries been in such a time of change and re-evaluation of services.  Everyone in the library and information industry is on a journey and we are all at different stages of our travels – sometimes the stage we are at even depends on any given day or hour as we are all forever learning, building or growing our skills and knowledge.  It is the aim of the 2015 conference planning committee to ensure there is something for everyone at conference to help you continue to grow – no matter where you are on your learning journey.  Every single person who contributes to the school library community is valuable and we want a conference that caters for and reflects how libraries are built figuratively and literally ‘from the ground up’! We will bring everything from practical, hands-on workshops to ideas to help you grow and change your library for future focused learning.  Early in 2015 the conference website will go live and we will add workshops and information on keynote speakers as these are secured or confirmed.

Conference 2015 will be held at St Andrew’s College in Christchurch.  St Andrew’s College is a Year 1-13 co-educational school situated in the north of Christchurch on Papanui Road.  Accommodation will be available on site in the new boarding houses at very reasonable rates or you can choose hotel and motel accommodation just minutes away.  You will be able to enjoy the river bank in springtime which runs through the College grounds and a wee touch of Scotland in Christchurch.

It is too far out from conference as yet to give a confirmed registration fee but we are endeavouring to keep the costs as close as possible to the 2013 conference in Wellington.  The early bird, member registration for that conference was $375 with the conference dinner additional at $80.  We will also offer author breakfasts and these were a cost of $30 in Wellington.   Start talking to your school Principal now so you can budget for this essential professional development opportunity.

If you have ideas for workshops you would like to facilitate, workshops you would love to participate in or would like additional information, please contact the conference planning committee at  You can also take a look at the short video that was presented at the end of conference 2013: Join us in Christchurch 2015. 
Hope to see you there!

Your Aoraki Conference Planning Committee

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Collected Magazine Book Reviews Needed

Hi everybody

Just a reminder that the deadline for Collected 14 is November the 20th
Our theme is Summer Reading, and we also need book reviews and other articles of interest.
If you have any questions or queries about the magazine or your submission let me know at  Submission details and guidelines are at

Greig Daniels

Editor Collected

SLANZA event - Saturday 15 November - cancelled

We are disappointed to announce that this event has had to be cancelled as there are insufficient numbers for us to proceed.

We hope  that the next few weeks go well for you all, with the returning of books, stock-taking and summer reading programmes and that you have a relaxing Christmas break (and read lots of books).  :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

SLANZA planning and Storytime bookshopping

Hello everyone
Just a quick update on the get-together for school library people / teachers / anyone interested on Saturday morning, 15th November in Whangarei.  

The plan is to get together for morning tea at Nectar Café (Winner Northland Café of the year 2013) on Bank Street at 10.30am to share ideas for SLANZA in 2015 – what to do, where, who, how etc.  If you would like to contribute to developing your school library community, this is an opportunity to offer your support and ideas, especially for events to happen in 2015 in the Whangarei area.

At 12 noon the meeting will move to Storytime Bookshop in its new location at 34 Porowini Ave, Whangarei – easy to find and park link to map.  AnneMarie Florian is planning to be there along with Storytime’s new owners – Alicia, Carys and Adelle, who will talk about new and favourite books, with a chance to finish spending any book budget (10% discount), do some Christmas shopping – and maybe win a spot prize.

Please RSVP to Dee Brooker at Whangarei Boys’ High  by this time next week – Monday 10th November. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Term 4 Event - Cafe Visit and Book Shopping - Saturday 15 November

Please save the date Saturday 15 November for our final get together of the year. We will meet at a cafe in Whangarei at 10am for a chat and a bit of planning for next year.  After that we have a reservation at noon at Storytime Books with an opportunity to browse their collection, ask questions, hear which books they think are up and coming, enjoy a 10% discount even if you don't have an account with them, get some early Christmas shopping done and maybe win a spot prize.

Details to follow this week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Collected magazine - calling for submissions

Once again we are calling for articles for Collected magazine. This term's theme is Summer Reading . Articles on local Summer reading programmes, what you do in your school and even what you are planning for your summer reading.

We welcome submissions from all members. We also welcome other articles of interest and  book reviews from members  The criteria for articles can be found here: . along with submission guidelines and a submission checklist. Please read theses documents carefully..

Our final submission date  for this issue is 20 November 2014.

if you have any queries don't hesitate to contact me at

Greig Daniels
Editor - Collected

Monday, October 6, 2014

End of year event - save the date!

We are planning an end of year event in Whangarei for Saturday 15 November starting at a cafe for morning tea, a catch up and meeting and then heading to Storytime Books for a bit of shopping and maybe a surprise. 
Details to follow, but please put this in your date book.  A good opportunity to come into town before the Christmas rush!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Collected magazine no 13 - The professional development issue - OUT NOW!

The latest   issue of  2014  ( #13)  is now on  the virtual shelf  and  the theme is  Professional Development .  This issue has some wonderful articles on professional development on both a large, and a more personal scale. See what your peers are doing and sharing in this issue.


We have   book reviews from fellow school librarians who know what works in their schools.

We are fortunate to have the support of our Business members and their contributions will keep you abreast of the latest commercial offerings.

Check out what is happening in your region and have a look at what is being offered in others. Members are encouraged to attend events in other regions or to support their local committee in bringing good ideas to their own area.

Please feel free to share the magazine, we would appreciate if you could print one out and share in your staffroom or forward to your teaching team.

Thank you for all the quality contributions and assistance in editing.  Final appreciation goes to the regular  team of proof readers.

Greig Daniels
SLANZA Collected Magazine


Monday, September 22, 2014

News from SLANZA National Executive - September 2014

Region representatives met virtually for the first time this weekend on Google Hangouts.  This involved members having access to suitable technology and broadband.  Most found it better than expected but some members had difficulty with their devices or internet connection causing intermittent sound or video disruption.  This did not stop us from getting through the agenda while working from home.  The success of this trial means in future we will replace one face to face meeting each year saving money and wear and tear on NE members.

Our discussion about communication to members was significant as this was our current communication leader Lisa Salter’s last meeting.  Cathy Kennedy, member for Aoraki has volunteered to fill this position and we are confident in her ability to engage with our members.  

Greig Daniels took over as editor of Collected magazine at the last meeting and his first issue will be out very soon.  In a discussion around what our members get with their membership money it was decided to investigate sharing the magazine with members only in the first instance, with public access after a period of time.  More news about this idea will be sent to members once investigated fully.


The NE is pleased with our progress in developing external partnerships with other library focus organisations.  For the first time ever SLANZA members have been offered LIANZA member rates to their 2014 conference in Auckland.  At this stage staff from 25 school libraries have registered to attend. We are currently working on updating our Memorandum of Understanding with LIANZA and we have been offered space at their conference stand.  We are working with the Association of Public Library Managers (APLM), currently focused on a Summer Reading initiative.  We have accepted an invitation to join APLM in a national Digital Literacy working party.


Karen Clarke presented a financial report and to date we are working to budget. While we have goals of raising membership to increase funds, most regions report that it is difficult to get information about library staffing in schools.  There is also a general feeling that there are less school library staff overall as schools are changing the way they staff their libraries, particularly in the primary sector.


SLANZA is committed to repeating our successful reading survey this year and hope to gather and present the information earlier in Term 4 this year.  It will be good to see this year’s lists of most popular books, authors and series in New Zealand schools.  It may feed into your buying plan for next year or make it in your school newsletter as advice for Christmas gift purchases.


Cathy Kennedy reported that the 2015 conference committee is well into the planning of next September’s event.   The committee had a brain storming session to balance the different types of speakers and workshops, so that there is something for everyone, at every level of library staff.  We are all looking forward to another successful SLANZA conference.


The virtual meeting was a success and feedback will give us the opportunity to improve on the concept over time.  I for one really enjoyed it, it saved me a weekend away from home, the stress of travel and while I was engaged in the meeting I also got my ironing done.


Lisa Salter

Communications Leader (outgoing)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

News from National Executive September 2014

From Lisa Salter-

After four years of representing Te Tai Tokerau, I recently attended my last SLANZA National Executive (NE) meeting.  I have mixed feelings.  My life changed course last year when I joined the public library sector and while I still have school libraries in my heart, my head needs to be focused on learning in a new environment.  

Julia Smith from Kerikeri High School has accepted the opportunity to represent the region on NE. She is more than capable of taking this responsibility on. This can be ratified at the AGM in Term 1 next year when the region will also be looking for a new chair and secretary.  Please consider these positions as they are not onerous and the connections, collaboration and experience are well worth the pride in organising a valuable event for members.

I am grateful that my family have been supportive of my volunteer work and managed well when I was working or traveling for NE.  I learned a lot during my tenure and have made many professional and enjoyable connections with other librarians. The professional development offered has helped me in my career and given me confidence and a big picture understanding of what school libraries and libraries in general can offer. 

I have a sense of relief but will miss my co-workers on NE.  We have had many laughs and many achievements to be proud of.  My next challenge is representing the region on The Association of Public Library Managers board and I have joined the Digital Literacy Working Party.  I am confident that I will be able to contribute to these groups with the experience I have gained on NE.

Thanks for the memories, the support and the opportunities. If someone suggests you attend a meeting or join a committee do consider it.  SLANZA will only thrive if members value and contribute to the organisation at the local and national level.  All the best for the future, I'll be cheering you on.  

Lisa Salter

Outgoing Te Tai Tokerau NE Rep, Communications Leader and Collected Editor

For news from the recent NE meeting see our blog.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

2015 SLANZA Conference - St Andrew's College, Christchurch, 28-30 September 2014


Put this conference date in your diary…

Spring 2015 will bring the next national SLANZA conference to Christchurch and planning is already well underway for this three day event.


The theme of the conference is From the Ground Up – Growing Libraries for the Future.  Never before have libraries been in such a time of change and re-evaluation of services.  Everyone in the library and information industry is on a journey and we are all at different stages of our travels – sometimes the stage we are at even depends on any given day or hour as we are all forever learning, building or growing our skills and knowledge.  It is the aim of the 2015 conference planning committee to ensure there is something for everyone at conference to help you continue to grow – no matter where you are on your learning journey.  Every single person who contributes to the school library community is valuable and we want a conference that caters for and reflects how libraries are built figuratively and literally ‘from the ground up’! We will bring everything from practical, hands-on workshops to ideas to help you grow and change your library for future focused learning.  Early in 2015 the conference website will go live and we will add workshops and information on keynote speakers as these are secured or confirmed.


defaultConference 2015 will be held at St Andrew’s College in Christchurch.  St Andrew’s College is a Year 1-13 co-educational school situated in the north of Christchurch on Papanui Road.  Accommodation will be available on site in the new boarding houses at very reasonable rates or you can choose hotel and motel accommodation just minutes away.  You will be able to enjoy the river bank in springtime which runs through the College grounds and a wee touch of Scotland in Christchurch.


It is too far out from conference as yet to give a confirmed registration fee but we are endeavouring to keep the costs as close as possible to the 2013 conference in Wellington.  The early bird, member registration for that conference was $375 with the conference dinner additional at $80.  We will also offer author breakfasts and these were a cost of $30 in Wellington.   Start talking to your school Principal now so you can budget for this essential professional development opportunity.


If you have ideas for workshops you would like to facilitate, workshops you would love to participate in or would like additional information, please contact the conference planning committee at  You can also take a look at the short video that was presented at the end of conference 2013: Join us in Christchurch 2015. 

Hope to see you there!


Your Aoraki Conference Planning Committee




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