Wednesday, July 30, 2014

SLANZA Grant Applications for 2015

SLANZA offers study grants each year, to those working in school library teams. Study grants are available for courses offered by an approved library education provider. We believe that continuing professional development is vital - it helps you increase the knowledge and skills you need to deliver a valued service to your school community, and it can open you up to new and exciting possibilities in the field of librarianship.

If you are thinking about undertaking Library and Information Studies next year, you may be eligible to apply for assistance. Successful applicants will receive $600 towards the cost of a paper.

The closing date for submitting study grant applications is Thursday 25th of September 2014, and successful applicants will be notified in October.

More information about the grants, including the application form, is available here.

Lisa Salter

Te Tai Tokerau SLANZA Representative

RLIANZA   l   SLANZA Communications Leader   l

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Term 3 Event - Empowering Library Support Staff

Northland’s Term 3 SLANZA event focuses on Library support staff and volunteers. The idea is to provide professional development for those library folks who may be working in primary schools particularly, without support, skills or confidence to make the most of their library hours. Empowering Support Staff in the School Library will be jointly run by Jeannie Skinner (National Library), Liz Christensen (Ohaiaewai Primary), and Jenny Puckey (Kaitaia Primary) and will be held Week 6, Friday 29 August at Kaikohe Primary School. It will cover meeting other support staff, talking about roles and responsibilities, ideas for creating the right environment to entice students in, displays, labels and signage, processing books, book covering and repairs, National Library support, and building connections with other Library workers. 
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Collected magazine - calling for submissions

Once again we are calling for articles for Collected magazine. This term's theme is Professional Development. You can report on events in your region, professional development that has made an impact on you or your library or you can identify areas where you feel professional development is needed.

We welcome submissions from all members. We also welcome book reviews  from members  The criteria for articles can be found here: . along with submission guidelines and a submission checklist. Please read theses documents carefully.

Our final submission date  for this issue is 31 August 2014.

If you have any queries don't hesitate to contact me; Greig Daniels

* It would be great if we had some input from Northland in this issue.  Anyone keen to write about the Online PD "Connected Librarians" or our local events?

Lisa Salter
Te Tokerau Representative

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Message from Lisa Salter, SLANZA Communications Leader

The first weekend of the holidays was a busy one for the Otago committee with a very successful “Weekend School’ combined with the SLANZA 2014 AGM.  Those fortunate enough to attend were treated to a delightful variety of professional development ranging from Book Clubs, Summer Reading, English departments and Libraries working together, and a presentation by Joan Mackenzie star of “Whitcoulls Joan’s Picks”.  The weekend was well organised with time for networking and sharing ideas.  At the AGM Miriam Tuohy accepted the nomination as President elect and Fiona Mackie stood down as past president.

The National Executive met on the Sunday afternoon and Monday at Kings High School, Dunedin, hosted by Bridget Schaumann. We welcomed new NE representatives Cathy Kennedy for Aoraki and Sandi Faulconbridge from Central.  Kirsty Adam and Joanne Fraser from Southland joined us for a discussion regarding how Southland can revitalise their region.  This discussion was positive and Joanne and Kirsty feel that Southland has the energy and desire to offer SLANZA PD and events in the region.

Correspondence included a message from SLANZA Life Member Linda McCullough from Waikato informing us of her retirement from National Library and thank you notes from Kathleen Van der Putten and Steph Ellis for their Study Grant and how it has helped them this year.

The treasurers report indicated that income is down on previous years so our membership drive is more vital that ever.  The report included a budget which is conservative yet allows us to work towards our goals. 

Our website will soon include a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page including questions about membership and the benefits of membership.  A planned brochure outlining benefits of SLANZA is in underway.  Currently we are looking for supportive quotes and photos to include.  Please contact your local rep if you are able to assist with this.

The NE is stregthening partnerships with organisations such as LIANZA, The Book Council and National Library and is keen to work with other organisations like The Principals Association and English Teachers and make them aware of the work we do and how their members can benefit.

The region reports included many fine examples of the Professional Development provided to our members. Thank you to all the committees for the work they do on behalf of our members.

SLANZA had input into the current NZQA review of Open Polytechnic Library qualifications and has contributed to the course documents.  The Wellington region is working on a Tertiary Transition programme to share with members.  We are working on Summer Reading initiatives with The Association of Public Library Managers and expect to have some resources available from SLANZA from the four Otago schools who presented at the Weekend School about their own successful programmes by the end of term.

Other discussions of note:

  • The 2015 Christchurch Conference team are making good progress
  • This years’ LIANZA conference in Auckland is shaping up with a schools thread included.  SLANZA members can register at LIANZA rates this year for the first time ever!
  • Members need to to find out about their own schools’ involvement in N4L (Network for Learning) and participation in the POND. From next year these inititiaves will have a wide ranging impact on all schools, we encourage school librarians to contribute as much as possible.
  • Our free online course “Connected Librarians” has been a huge success with over 100 graduates.  This project is now being reviewed with plans to build on the course from next year.  We are also in the development stages of creating an online community using Google+ to further support members.

Finally, I hope that you all had a restful break over the holidays and are energised and ready to tackle Term 3. 

Lisa Salter

SLANZA Communications Leader

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gamify your library from our guest speaker's perspective...

Thanks Dee for your post about the Gamify your library event, and here is a lovely account about the day from Michelle Simms' perspective which she added to her blog - Good Keen Librarian

I was just doing a few notes to wrap from the event and here is a PMI brainstorm - feel free anybody who attended to add your ideas and comments too :-)


  • Great speaker - knowledgeable, friendly, professional, challenging and encouraging...  
  • Range of topics suited many and was well received
  • Great venue – easy to find, comfortable and convenient
  • Delicious morning tea - thanks Di
  • Lunch was enjoyed by all – good opportunity to socialise / network
  • Good to have public library involvement
  • Raffle an easy and successful fundraiser and rewarding for participants
  • Good to have some discussion time in the programme
  • Hard work getting enough registrations – what strategies can we use to get more uptake for future events?
  • Good timeframe for the programme – could have started bit later to suit travellers better