Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Newspaper Articles on National Library Changes

Just a follow-up on the letter SLANZA National Executive sent out last week to National Library and the Rt Hon Peter Dunn outlining our initial concerns about the changes to National Library’s Curriculum Services.

President Bridget Schaumann’s interview with the Sunday Star Times can be found here, Library Book Cuts Hit Schools Hard and the same article made the news in the Library Journal as well.

This is a major change by National Library that will affect us all. Consequently, Jeannie Skinner and I are planning three meetings in Te Tai Tokerau early March to discuss these National Library changes with SLANZA members. You will be invited to bring your questions and concerns for discussion which I will collate and take back to National Executive. I’ll have confirmed dates and venues organised by next week and will let you know then.

Friday, January 23, 2015

SLANZA NE letter to MP and National Library

I hope you all have had a lovely summer holiday and read lots of great books

The National Executive has been busy drafting a letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon Peter Dunne, and to the National Library voicing our initial concerns about the changes to National Library’s Curriculum Services. Please read the letter which is located on the SLANZA website. We are also putting together a discussion document to facilitate a more direct response once we have had time to talk to and gather feedback from SLANZA members.

Lastly, Bridget Schaumann, President of SLANZA, was interviewed last night by the Sunday Star Times so look out for an article in the paper this Sunday.