Hi everyone
The latest issue of Collected magazine is
available now. This issue has Summer Reading as it's theme. Please follow this
link to read it now: slanza.org.nz/collected.
Many thanks to those who have contributed articles and reviews for this issue, and to those who have helped with proof-reading and editing - we couldn't do it without your help.
As the number of issues continues to grow, we've made some small changes to the website to accommodate them, so you will now find older issues of Collected on a separate page.
On behalf of Greig Daniels (Collected editor) and the rest of SLANZA National Executive, we send all our readers best wishes for the holiday season, and hope you enjoy your summer break - do make sure you find time to fit in plenty of reading!
Many thanks to those who have contributed articles and reviews for this issue, and to those who have helped with proof-reading and editing - we couldn't do it without your help.
As the number of issues continues to grow, we've made some small changes to the website to accommodate them, so you will now find older issues of Collected on a separate page.
On behalf of Greig Daniels (Collected editor) and the rest of SLANZA National Executive, we send all our readers best wishes for the holiday season, and hope you enjoy your summer break - do make sure you find time to fit in plenty of reading!
Miriam Tuohy | Librarian
| www.pnghs.school.nz
Phone: +64 6 3579194 | Fax: +64 6 3579193
Phone: +64 6 3579194 | Fax: +64 6 3579193
Palmerston North Girls' High
Fitzherbert Ave, Palmerston
North 4410