Monday, December 8, 2014

Latest Collected magazine now available

Hi everyone


The latest issue of Collected magazine is available now. This issue has Summer Reading as it's theme. Please follow this link to read it now:

Many thanks to those who have contributed articles and reviews for this issue, and to those who have helped with proof-reading and editing - we couldn't do it without your help.

As the number of issues continues to grow, we've made some small changes to the website to accommodate them, so you will now find older issues of Collected on a separate page.

On behalf of Greig Daniels (Collected editor) and the rest of SLANZA National Executive, we send all our readers best wishes for the holiday season, and hope you enjoy your summer break - do make sure you find time to fit in plenty of reading!


Miriam Tuohy | Librarian
Phone: +64 6 3579194 | Fax: +64 6 3579193

Palmerston North Girls' High School

Fitzherbert Ave, Palmerston North 4410

Friday, December 5, 2014

National Library Announcement

Not sure how many of you are aware of the recent announcement by National Library and the subsequent discussion on the Listserv. You are welcome to discuss this matter with me, however it is preferable to contact National Library directly through the email set up to receive responses.

This would be a good opportunity for us to get together early next year and discuss the implications and gather suggestions on how SLANZA can further support school libraries.

A letter and flier was sent out from National Library to all Principals late Wednesday afternoon. If you have not seen this correspondence, email me and I will send them through. Below are both National Library’s press release as well as the SLANZA National Executive’s response. 

This afternoon the National Library sent a letter to all school principals with an attached flier for school staff. This outlined future service directions, and changes to the current Curriculum Service in mid- 2015.
Information is also available on the Services to Schools website.  As indicated in these communications we have established an email for any queries. Please contact us at
We have also met with the National Executive of SLANZA regarding our new service directions. We will work closely with SLANZA to support school libraries through these changes.

Posted on behalf of:
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga O Aotearoa

SLANZA has met with the National Library Services to Schools.  While there will be changes in their delivery of services to schools, some of which will take some time to get used to, we’re confident that National Library will still provide resources and advice that will be useful to schools and school librarians.  The National Library are setting up an email address to use if you have any questions, and SLANZA are also looking at ways to support school library staff with the new resources we are working to develop in our Communities site.

Bridget Schaumann

SLANZA President