Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Professional Development Survey

I am writing on behalf of the SLANZA National Executive to ask for your help.

As you know, helping to build a confident and knowledgeable school library profession is incredibly important to us. We believe that our communities deserve the very best school libraries possible, and it is one of our strategic goals to improve the professional standing, working conditions, and qualification levels of the staff who work in those libraries. Enabling access to a range of professional development opportunities is a vital part of achieving this goal.

In 2012, SLANZA surveyed school library staff about their Professional Development needs. Around 200 people responded to that survey, and as a result of what we learned, our Connected Librarians online PD modules were developed and introduced the following year.

Fast forward four years, and as part of our ongoing work in the area of Professional Development for school library staff, we are asking for your input again.

This time our survey is focused on work and qualification profiles - your library situation, employment, and continuing professional development including library & information studies qualifications.

The survey is open to SLANZA members and non-members alike, so please forward the survey link (below) to any library colleagues - SLANZA members or not, school library staff or not - who would like to participate. All the responses we receive will provide crucial information to guide our professional development strategy and our relationships with other professional development providers.

Please follow this link to access the survey:

The survey will remain open until the 31st of May.

We really appreciate you taking a few minutes to have your say.

Thank you,


School Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa