Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Professional Development Opportunity in Whangarei

I’m excited to announce the professional development session Building a Quality Collection will be offered in Whangarei Week 8 this term, Wednesday 14 September.

We held this earlier in the term in Kaitaia and it was very successful, in fact the discussion went on well over time. And this is a discussion, the more people who come and contribute, the more ideas and options are presented that we can take away to use in our own libraries.

RSVP to me please

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Transforming Your Library - Professional Development opportunity

Are you interested in a discussion about Transforming your Library?  Or maybe finding out more about how you can incorporate a Reader-Centered approach to the services you provide in your library?  SLANZA Central’s Term 2 AGM & PD day just touched on these ideas with a fantastic presentation from Steph Ellis.

If you are a SLANZA member then join us for our next Discussion Topic over on our Google+ Community.  We will be kicking off on Sunday 11th September and running the discussion for the last two weeks of Term 3, having a break over the holidays, and then finishing off in the first two weeks of Term 4.

Not on our G+ Community yet?  Jump onto our SLANZA Community Online page for more information.

Not a SLANZA member?  Interested in C&YA Services & Librarianship?  Information on how you can join and take part in the fantastic Professional Development we offer is available on our Membership page.

We look forward to seeing you online

Google+Sandi Faulconbridge
SLANZA PD Team Leader

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


SLANZA National Executive met online in the evening on 10th August. Matters of particular importance to members are shared here:

The Annual General Meeting was postponed in July due to insufficient numbers of members to meet the quorum. However an AGM is vital for the following reasons:
·         the president shares SLANZA’s strategies and vision with members
·         members have the opportunity to discuss issues with the National Executive
·         members view the financial statements of the organisation
·         members have the opportunity to respond to the AGM reports
·         it is a requirement under our constitution
NE are looking at holding an online AGM this year. We are trialling a digital meeting tool this coming week and will keep you informed as to how you can participate in our AGM.

School Library Survey
A phone survey of non-SLANZA schools is currently underway to establish information on the New Zealand school library landscape. NE would like to build a comprehensive picture of the situations facing school libraries around the country.  This data will be useful when promoting and advocating for the importance of school libraries.

Bicultural Toolkit

National Executive has had very little response to the request asking for members who would like to help shape the toolkit, particularly those members whose libraries already reflect our bicultural communities. The toolkit being developed is to help school libraries operate biculturally. If you would like to add or share input to the bicultural toolkit, please get in touch with your regional representative - it would be wonderful to have one person from each region supporting us in this endeavour.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2017 Study Grant applications are now open

We are please to announce that applications for 2017 SLANZA Study Grants are now open.  Closing date is Thursday 22nd September 2016.  

If you haven't thought about applying for one before, a study grant is a great way of providing support during your journey of ILS learning.

For more information, and to download the application form please visit the blog on our website.

Building a Quality Collection - PD this Wednesday in Kaitaia

Just a reminder that the SLANZA event, Building a Quality Collection is on this Wednesday after school at Kaitaia Intermediate School. We have 13 people registered but there is plenty of room and you are still welcome to join us in this discussion – we all run our libraries differently so we can all learn off each other.  There is a lot to cover in the session so we will be starting at 3:30pm.

Please forward to anyone you think may be interested in joining us – the cost for non-SLANZA members is only $10, (which they will need to bring on the day) so they are getting a bargain!