Friday, October 28, 2016

Call for abstracts for Auckland 2017 Conference

The Auckland Conference Committee of the School Library Association of New Zealand (SLANZA) is now seeking abstracts for presentation the 2017 conference.
The theme for the conference is Fiery Futures: Igniting and Inspiring Libraries.  There are three sub-themes that will be incorporated in the 2017 conference.
These are:
Bedrock: Solid Foundations
Lava: Flowing Ideas
Fiery Futures: Bright Spark Ideas
Submissions close on 31st October 2016, so you have the holidays to think about what you want to share with your library community.
More information on our website here
The School Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (SLANZA) aims to strengthen and promote the role of school libraries and to enable all school communities to become information literate. 

Trish Webster
Library Manager Rangitoto College

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

SLANZA Administration Officer vacancy

National Executive are looking to fill the role of the Administration Officer. This is a paid position of up to ten hours a week, responsible for the day-to-day administration of SLANZA. For further information and a job description please contact

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

National Executive October Communique

The National Executive met last weekend in Wellington at Raroa Intermediate School. Below is a summary of some of the discussions covered at the meeting. This communique is to keep members up-to-date with the work being done on their behalf by the National Executive.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, SLANZA President Karen Clarke has resigned. National Executive would like to acknowledge all she has done for SLANZA. During the last five years on NE Karen worked hard as Treasurer to balance the finances, and in her position of President Elect and President, she initiated many projects to improve the role of library staff. Thank you Karen for all you contributed and we wish you well.

Likewise, Jacky Reid has stepped down from her position as SLANZA Administration Officer. Jacky has been with SLANZA for a year and we wish to thank her for all her work.

Therefore, SLANZA National Executive is calling for nominations for the position of President. This position requires an in-depth understanding of the workings of SLANZA and its stakeholders so it is preferable that this person should be either a current member of the National Executive or someone with previous National Executive experience. Nominations are open from Wednesday 19 October until Friday 18 November 2016. Nomination forms are attached.

Sandi Faulconbridge has accepted the National Executive’s nomination for President. Sandi has been involved in school libraries for twelve years and is currently Library Manager at Taradale Primary in Napier. She has been Chairperson of the Central region and represented that region on NE since September 2014. Last year she took on the role as Team Leader for Professional Development and has run that admirably.

NE will be calling for nominations for the position of President Elect early next year.

In addition, NE are looking to fill the role of the Administration Officer. This is a paid position of up to ten hours a week, responsible for the day-to-day administration of SLANZA. This position will be advertised shortly.

Special Meeting
A special meeting needs to be held to ratify the changes required to the SLANZA constitution and to confirm election of a new President. We will be sending a form out to our regional committee members shortly asking to hold a special meeting. We need to gather sufficient member numbers (twenty) in order for this meeting to be called. Following this, an on-line Special Meeting will be held.

Fee-free offer from The Open Polytechnic
We have been overwhelmed with the positive response from the free fee study opportunity offered to our members in association with The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. Being strongly committed to raising the professional standing of school library staff, NE are very grateful to TOPNZ for their willingness to offer some Level 6 papers free of cost to SLANZA members. Read the announcement on the SLANZA website for details. Don’t forget that enrolments for trimester 3 close on 23 October. We encourage members to take advantage of this amazing study opportunity.

SLANZA Conference 2017, Fiery Futures: Igniting and Inspiring Libraries, is now seeking abstracts for presentations at the conference. Do consider presenting a session, 15, 30 or 60 minutes long. For more information, see the conference website. Abstracts need to be in by October 31.

Collected Magazine
Thank you to all the members who have submitted articles for Collected magazine. The theme is ebooks, although we will be treated to other articles of interest as well as book reviews and business member submissions. Currently in the editing stage, the nineteenth issue of Collected will be out soon.  

Ebook Library
While we are on the topic of ebooks, don’t forget our ebook library of professional development books. We appreciate Wheelers support in providing our eplatform for free, as well as giving us some additional titles. You may register here anytime although this offer is only available for members of our organisation.

Connected Librarians
Congratulations to all those members who completed the Term 3 Connected Librarians online learning module. The topic was Content Curation, where participants explored how they could support students and staff by providing great digital resources. Connected online courses are free for SLANZA members and are another option for school library staff to extend our learning. Watch out for the next module in Term 1.

Google+ Community
The discussion topic, Transforming Your Library based on the ideas of Rachel van Riel, is due to finish this week. However, you may watch the videos and add to the conversations anytime. Rachel shares valuable insight into library management with her reader-centred library approach and the discussion questions aim to spark conversations and debate.

Readers Survey
Expect to see the annual SLANZA Readers Survey out towards the end of next month.

SLANZA National Executive would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing commitment to SLANZA and wish you all a great term 4. We will continue to work on your behalf and ensure that the voice of school libraries from all over the country are heard.

Julia Smith


2017 Conference approximate costs

Hello Everyone

The Auckland SLANZA 2017 costs will be (approximately)
Early bird member registration = $495.00, this includes the conference dinner on Tuesday night.
Accommodation: we will have enough room for at least 100 people to stay on site.  The rooms will be private, with shared bathroom facilities and all meals included (breakfast, lunch and dinner on site) = from $340.00 for 3 nights.
More information will be added to the website shortly, including other registration options (single days, non-member registrations, etc).

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Call for abstracts for Auckland 2017 Conference

The Auckland Conference Committee of the School Library Association of New Zealand (SLANZA) is now seeking abstracts for presentation the 2017 conference.
The theme for the conference is Fiery Futures: Igniting and Inspiring Libraries.  There are three sub-themes that will be incorporated in the 2017 conference.
These are:
Bedrock: Solid Foundations
Lava: Flowing Ideas
Fiery Futures: Bright Spark Ideas
Submissions close on 31st October 2016, please consider sharing your expertise with your school library community.
More information on our website here
The School Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (SLANZA) aims to strengthen and promote the role of school libraries and to enable all school communities to become information literate. 

Trish Webster
Library Manager Rangitoto College
Auckland Regional Representative on SLANZA National Executive

Monday, October 10, 2016

Amazing study opportunity

New professional learning opportunity for SLANZA members

We are very excited to be able to offer our members a fantastic study opportunity with the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. As you know, SLANZA is strongly committed to raising the professional standing of School Library staff through ongoing PD and professional qualification opportunities. SLANZA and the OPNZ are very pleased to confirm that following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between our two organisations, a fee free offer has been arranged for current SLANZA members studying the Certificate in Literature and Library Services for Children and Young People.

SLANZA is very grateful to OPNZ for their willingness to make this initial opportunity possible, and their commitment to ongoing collaboration. Members looking at study or already working towards these qualifications will be aware what incredible value this offers in the study fee saving.

Who is eligible

This fee free offer is available to SLANZA members taking either of two courses in the OPNZ OP6273 Certificate in Literature and Library Services for Children and Young People (Level 6):
·  72276: Literature and Information Resources for Children and Young People
·  72277: Library Services for Children and Young People

Note that the OPNZ $60 annual administration fee cannot be waived. It is also important to note that SLANZA members who wish to take up this offer must have either completed the Diploma in Information & Library Studies (Level 5) with OPNZ already, or alternatively, have completed the four prerequisite courses that apply to this certificate. Information on these prerequisites can be found under the ‘entry requirements’ tab of the certificate on the Open Polytechnic website.

How to take up this offer

1.     Your SLANZA membership subscription must be paid in full. If you are not sure of your membership status, please contact Jacky Reid ( or your regional representative on the National Executive
2.     Check that you meet the OPNZ’s prerequisite requirements for the certificate
3.     Enrol online via the OPNZ website here.
4.     At the payment section, use contract code 0663 to receive the fee-free offer. OPNZ will verify SLANZA membership before approving course entry.

In Trimester 3 this year OPNZ offers 72276: Literature and Information Resources for Children and Young People. Enrolments close for Trimester 3 on 23 October 2016. Both courses are also offered in 2017.
We strongly encourage our members to take advantage of this offer now.  

Further information

Any questions? Please contact Jan Irvine:

Phone: 0508 650200, extension 5594

Submissions for Collected magazine closing this Saturday

Collected Submissions will be closing soon. Our theme for the issue is “ebooks” but we also welcome articles of interest, reviews and accounts of local SLANZA or library related activities.
Guidelines for submissions can be found at under the Resources tab.
Our deadline for this issue is October 15 2016
Please feel free to contact me at the above address if you have any questions or concerns
Greig Daniels

Editor, Collected