Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meeting Reminder - National Library Changes

A reminder that the meeting to discuss the National Library Services to Schools changes is on this afternoon, 3:30-3:45pm start at Whangarei Boys High School Library.

Just to throw another log on the fire, so to speak, in 2014 Northland schools borrowed/used 29,595 National Library resources. Astounding statistics – haven’t we utilised this service well? Won’t that evidence of usage be interesting to compare to this current year, and most importantly, 2016?

Hope to see you there this afternoon so we can have a lively discussion on the NL transformation, our concerns, questions and strategies to cope with the changes.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

SLANZA meetings next week re National Library changes

Due to lack of response the Kaitaia and Kerikeri meetings scheduled for next week after school have been cancelled. The Whangarei meeting will go ahead as planned, Whangarei Boys High School - Wednesday February 25, 3:30pm.

If you have concerns regarding the National Library changes to Services to Schools please email them to me and I will collate them to take to the SLANZA National Executive meeting at the end of March.

SLANZA up-date on changes to Services to Schools

As you are aware there has been growing opposition to the changes the National Library has made as part of the Services to Schools Transformation Programme.  There is a great deal of information and developments so below are some links of interest just in case you would like to read more or have missed a piece from the news! 

You will also find below the details of meetings in your region to discuss these changes – click on the link for your region to view details via the SLANZA website.  If you would like to know more about these meetings or would like to submit questions or concerns via email, please contact your local SLANZA representative – contact details on the regional pages:

Cathy Kennedy
SLANZA National Executive

Open letter to the National Library from SLANZA
Sunday Star Times: Library book cuts hit schools hard. Jan 25, 2015
Press Release from Hon. Peter Dunn. Labour just plain wrong about library services to schools. Feb 5, 2015
Radio New Zealand News: National Library firm on school service cut. Feb 5, 2015
The New Zealand Herald: National Library book cuts will hit hard, says Labour. Feb 10, 2015
National Library: Services to Schools Transformation documents.
Current independent petitions: Stop the Cuts   Let’s keep our kids books
Parliamentary Question 9 (Feb 12, 2015)  What are the expected savings per year as a result of the changes to the National Library curriculum topic loan service?
LIANZA Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa: Services to Schools

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

National Library Changes - School Awareness

I wondered if some of you may be hesitant/reluctant/scared (?) to talk to your teaching staff about the National Library changes. So I thought I would share what I circulated to all my staff after initialing talking to them briefly at staff meeting, less edits for names and personal references.
You are welcome to use this and adapt as necessary. We have never used National Library for fiction collections and after this year's topic-subject orders, we will not be taking up their offer of fiction books and high-interest non-fiction. Obviously, other schools have different priorities and needs and currently use Services to Schools resources differently so target your talk to what is relevant for your school students and teachers. If you have Garth Rodda's letter to gain support and signatures at the same time or as back-up you will be well-armed.
If it is too much for you, maybe there is someone on the staff whom you could ask to speak on your behalf? This is an important issue that school management, staff and parents need to be aware of yet information and concern doesn't appear to be coming from any other organisations.
 As from July 2015, NLNZ is transforming their Services To Schools programme, into a "reading engagement lending service". They will be focusing on supplying schools with fiction, high-interest non-fiction and enhanced online support. The biggest change is that from term 3 they will no longer supply schools with non-fiction books for topic studies, that is, the boxes of books we order in to supplement the school library's own books on this topic, for example, science fair, disabilities books or fair trade resources.

So how will this effect you? The library is blessed with a healthy budget which gives us the ability to already support our students with fiction, high-interest non-fiction and time to curate some digital resources. Exactly what National Library is transforming to. So the changes will not have a major impact at our school. Timely collaboration and communication between library and departments will be imperative to ensure support of your topics. As this will be the last year we will be able to order subject/topic books through National Library please get your orders into me by 13 March.  

CONCERNS over National Library's Services to Schools Changes

  • timing of announcement - one week before school finished for the 2014 year
  • NLNZ choosing to supply quality fiction and high-interest non-fiction, the same as most school libraries presently do, means budget changes to buy the more expensive, less used topic non-fiction to cover the curriculum, and less on the fiction to encourage reading engagement
  • bulk purchasing and distribution of books to schools by NL is an efficient way to use taxes and funding for education providing equity across schools. Under the new changes, every school will need to purchase these expensive books to support the curriculum which may only be used once a year. Schools with insufficient funding and/or librarian knowledge will be disadvantaged. Disparity across NZ schools will widen to the detriment of our students. 
  • lack of access to digital collections due to technology issues - both connectivity and quantity of computers/devices in schools
  • appropriateness, quality and quantity of digital resources, particularly for primary students
  • lack of consultation with schools or school librarians
  • such a minimal cost saving, $392,000 a year to lose such a well-supported service
  • distribution/control of NL resources within school - particularly in schools with no library or where librarian does not have the hours or tech support to issue/return non-collection items
  • school library budgets aren't sufficient to buy quantity of inquiry topic non-fiction for classes
  • small public libraries do not have the budgets or expertise to buy the range of inquiry topic non-fiction required

SLANZA National Executive has been writing letters to Ministers of Parliament, National Library, PPTA, NZEI, LIANZA, New Zealand Principal's Federation and half a dozen others voicing our concerns. Feedback received has been strongly adverse to National Library's changes. ActionStation have taken up a petition supporting our cause and the Labour Party's open letter has gathered over 17,500 signatures to date. We even have Eleanor Catton, Elizabeth Knox and Lorde backing us!

For further information, discussion or to add your voice and/or signature to the outrage over this nonsensical decision, please see me

I hope this may be useful for you. Good luck. And if you do share with staff, please let me know.


National Library Changes - School Letter of Support

SLANZA member Garth Rodda from Whangarei Intermediate is so appalled at National Library's changes to  their Services to Schools programme, that he has reworked SLANZA president Bridgette Schaumann's original letter to National Library to make it a more school-specific letter. All staff at his school have signed the letter and he has forwarded it on to his local Member of Parliament.

Garth has shared the letter so that we may all use this as a template to gather support and signatures against these short-sighted and wasteful changes. Thank you for this initiative Garth. 

Please discuss these changes and how it will impact on them with your school teaching staff. And if you use Garth's letter to gather signatures for your MP, please send a quick acknowledgement to Garth as well.

If your region is currently without an MP feel free to forward it to Whangarei's Member of Parliament, Shane Reti.

Don't forget your SLANZA meetings are an opportunity to discuss these issues, voice your concerns, as well as looking at strategies to cope with these changes. RSVP to me. Thanks.

Kaitaia Primary School Library - Monday 23 February, 3:30pm
Whangarei Boys High School Library - Wednesday 25 February, 3:30pm

Kerikeri High School Library - Thursday 26 February, 3:30pm

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Update on SLANZA opposition to the changes to National Library Services to Schools

Dear SLANZA Members, 

I trust your new year has begun well and you are excited for all that 2015 will bring.  As many of you will already be aware, at the end of last year the National Library announced some changes to their Services for Schools.  If you are not familiar with these changes, you can read about their Transformation Programme here.   
Bridget Schaumann, our President of SLANZA, and the National Executive have been working hard throughout January to advocate on your behalf against this decision.  In order to bring you up to date, here are some of the actions taken so far. 

Firstly, meetings are being arranged in your local regions to discuss the National Library changes and by now you will have heard from your local representative or will do very soon.  It is hoped that Geraldine Howell, Director of Literacy and Public Programmes for the National Library, will be able to attend these meetings so our members have an opportunity to ask questions and put their concerns directly.  If you would like to know more, please contact your local SLANZA National Executive representative whose contacts can be found on our SLANZA website.  

An open letter has been sent to the National Library as well as personal letters to Geraldine Howell, Bill Macnaught (National Librarian) and Hon. Peter Dunn, Minister of Internal Affairs.  In addition to this many other ministers and members of Parliament have been contacted: Hon. Hekia Parata, Catherine Delahunty, Chris Hipkins, Jacinda Adern, and Hon. Nikki Kaye. 

Bridget and the National Executive are also contacting many other organisations across the education sector in order to ensure our concern and dismay about this decision taken by the National Library is clearly heard.  Bridget was also interviewed by the Sunday Star Times (Jan 25, 2015) and an interview with Bridget by John Gerritson will air on Morning Report, Thursday 05 February. 

You can help by ensuring that the teaching staff in your schools and your Principal are well aware of this change of service from the National Library and encourage them to mobilize their own networks in opposition to this decision. 

We will continue to work on your behalf and keep you updated.  

Cathy Kennedy  
Communications Leader 
SLANZA National Executive 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

National Library Changes Petition

An offer to show your support against the National Library changes to Services to Schools. The Labour Party has written an open letter to Peter Dunne expressing concern at the forthcoming changes and is asking for signatures Certainly can’t do any harm, SLANZA has the same agenda, just be aware of the little ticked box.

Term 1 Meetings - National Library Changes

I hope by now you have had time to catch up with all the changes that National Library is implementing. I appreciate it is a crazy time of the year, but honestly, this is HUGE for us all. It will impact negatively on our school libraries, our schools and our students learning.

Please find time to read National Library's Services to Schools changes - Transformation Programme: Questions and Answers and SLANZA National Executive's response in an Open Letter to the National Library.

SLANZA President Bridget Schaumann has been writing letters to Ministers of Parliament, PPTA, NZEI, LIANZA, New Zealand Principal's Federation and half a dozen others. Feedback received has been strongly adverse to National Library's changes. ActionStation have taken up a petition supporting our cause and have just under 2,500 signatures already - please add yours. We even have Eleanor Catton, Elizabeth Knox and Lorde backing us!

Although the transformation programme has been signed off by the Minister of Education and the Department of Internal Affairs we hope, with enough of a groundswell of opposition, they may just possibly review their decision.

Next step from SLANZA is initiating regional meetings where our members can discuss their concerns and questions they would like to direct to National Library. I will collate these and take them to our next National Executive meeting in Wellington at the end of March where we will be meeting with the President and Vice-President of National Library.

I have three meetings planned:

Kaitaia Primary School Library - Monday 23 February, 3:30pm
Whangarei Boys High School Library - Wednesday 25 February, 3:30pm
Kerikeri High School Library - Thursday 26 February, 3:30pm

We need your voice. As a member of SLANZA Te Tai Tokerau our membership incorporates a diverse rural perspective with concerns and questions different to other regions. It is important to have your say, to hear others views, and we will discuss strategies to cope with the changes.

Please RSVP to me so I know numbers who wish to attend.