Monday, August 8, 2011

Good Advice for Teens Using Social Media

Are you concerned about how teenagers are using social media and what they are sharing publicly? As a parent of teenagers and a person in my school with influence on them I want to promote sensible use of all these new tools and environments.

I came across this letter to teenagers over the weekend and thought it was a sound and non-threatening way to get the message across. I have just blown up to A3 size and made a display promoting it. I will also ask teachers to post a copy in classroom, especially the computer room.

Have a look at the link below and feel free to share with everyone!

The Internet never forgets. Is that what you want for your future you?


  1. Hi Lisa

    This is most timely. I have posted it on the Library noticeboard

  2. Hey Lisa, we must follow the same educationalists on Twitter! I've put it on my blog but I love the idea of printing it out for the library. Thanks.
